Practiceology – Helping Health Business Owners Earn More, Work Less And Enjoy Their Lives
The “Cancellation Culture Epidemic” in Private Practice STOPS NOW!!!!!

Getting Patients to Attend All Appointments and Complete their Full Programs of Care is the Most Effective Way to Increase Clinic Profits and Deliver Incredible Results for Your Clients? Yet the Vast Majority of Owners, Therapists and Admin Team Members Are Frustrated, Confused, and CLUELESS About…

“How to Reduce Cancellation Rates, Increase Patient Compliance and Improve Patient Outcomes”

This ‘Done-For-You' Cancellation Reduction System is Guaranteed to Increase Profits, Boost Show Rates, and Improve Patient Outcomes...In 30 Days or Less

WATCH THIS SHORT VIDEO to Discover How the “Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System” Can Help Your Therapy and Admin team Deliver Exceptional Results….

Do You Answer “YES” to Any of These Questions?

# Are you a health business owner frustrated by high cancellations rates and no-shows in your practice?

# Have you had to cancel full lists of patients because therapists have called in sick at short notice?

# Has your clinic profitability taken a hit over the last year or two and you are worried about how you are going to make it through the next 6 to 12 months if high cancellation rates continue?

# Do your team members roll their eyes and or even worse, become argumentative, when you try and talk to them about high cancellation rates, low rebooking rates and poor product sales - even when the client obviously needs more sessions or products to help them make a full recovery?

# Do you have a “Cancellation Policy”, but your therapy and admin team are just not following it and you don’t know how to get them to comply with your cancellation policy in the current cancellation environment?

# Do you wish your therapy and admin team knew exactly what to say when a client does not want to book their follow up sessions, calls to cancel or asks about your fees?

# Do you have a cancellation fee in place but don’t enforce it, are worried about losing clients if you do charge the fee, or you just don’t know how to get patients to keep their scheduled appointments in the first place.

# Do you wish you knew how the best practices in the world are training their teams to reduce cancellations, convert cancelled clients into bookings and ensure all patients get a great result?

FINALLY, there is the solution to all these problems!!!

“The Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System”

Done For You Team Training to Guarantee Your Patients Attend All Sessions, Follow Team Recommendations and Complete Their Treatment Programs

This incredible health business team training program will give you the clarity, direction and peace of mind that comes from knowing EXACTLY how to get your therapy and admin team members confidently booking follow up sessions, rebooking past patients who have dropped out of care, and filling their books with ideal patients.

This program gives you an exact step by step treatment planning, telephone conversion and patient re-booking training system - no more uncertainty, stress or worry that happens when you don't know how to train your team in reducing cancellations - without appearing salesy.

This great program has been painstakingly co-ordinated by one of Australia's leading Health Business Growth Specialists - Paul Wright.

Paul is a Physiotherapist and former health business owner who has been in the trenches just like you - having previously owned 6 health clinics while running them from his home office and visiting each clinic for a few hours each week or two.

For the past few years Paul has been working closely with the ultra-successful health business owners in his Practiceology™ VIP Program – to ensure they have come through this difficult period with their businesses and family lives intact – and he is pleased to finally be able to share these essential cancellation reduction secrets and systems with you in this program.

Paul Wright

This comprehensive team training system also includes bonus training from 20 PLUS  world leading health business cancellation reduction and program compliance gurus who share their own secrets to helping therapists and admin team members reduce cancellations, get patients to follow treatment recommendations and complete their treatment programs.

Let's face facts - most health business owners are so overwhelmed and time poor - they fail to train their teams effectively on how to reduce cancellations, how to get patients to book all of their required treatment sessions in advance, or how to follow up past cancelled clients on the phone - and many more just don't know where to start.

Instead they rely on the odd team meeting (run by an equally nervous and unskilled owner) and then hope they do a good enough job that some of their team members improve their rebooking, reduce their cancellations and get better follow up call results.

Not a great way to run a business - but a guaranteed path to owner burnout, financial stress, frustration, fatigue and poor work/life balance.

This program gives you and your team certainty about how to be better communicators, value the service you deliver and be more confident therapists - this alone will save you hours of time and make you thousands of dollars in extra profit - plus deliver greatly improved client outcomes.

Not only that – Paul and the 20 PLUS experts will share with you:

  • How to reverse engineer the cancellation reduction program in your practice to reduce your cancellation rates.
  • The simple “Money Mindset Shift” you can use to instantly stop worrying about your patients finances when booking treatment plans.
  • How to set up a cancellation reduction system in your business that starts the day you interview the potential new therapist
  • The single staff training exercise that will make up the bulk of your cancellation reduction training program for the next decade.
  • How to create and use a simple 3 step video thread to dramatically increase show rates and program compliance.
  • How to use the “Soap Opera” system to stop patients from cancelling future appointments.
  • The 3 “Bare Arsed Stats” you simply must know in order to own and operate a successful health business.
  • How to structure your appointment diary so if a client cancels a session there is no impact on the revenue or therapists diary.
  • The 8 words you simply must say in a cancellation follow up call which will make the client desperate to call you back – never be forced to play telephone tag again.
  • How to massively increase your profit margin with one simple change to your front desk roster and use of tech.
  • How to structure a credit card direct debit system to dramatically reduce the cost and risk of cancellations.
  • How to set up and structure your Google ads to attract your ideal client who never cancels
  • Exactly what to say when a client asks about the price of your program and how getting this right will dramatically decrease your cancellation rate.

What Exactly Is Included in Your LIFETIME Online Access to the “Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System"?

Once you order the program you get instant access to the full “Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System” – including:

9 CORE “Cancellation Reduction System” Modules

In the CORE modules program creator Paul Wright, will guide you through the exact steps to launch the cancellation reduction program into your business and how to get instant and unwavering loyalty and support from every admin and therapy team member in your practice.

These 9 Modules will take just under 2 hours to complete, so you can run the program over 2 x 60 minute training sessions, or a full 2 hour Inservice for your full therapy and admin team.

The secret to this programs success is that the training is delivered to your team by Paul and the 20 plus experts – not by YOU – the owner, leading to incredible team member compliance.

These CORE Modules should be completed by all current and future team members – as they set the standards for your complete cancellation reduction steps and initiatives.

The 9 CORE Modules Include:

Module One – “How to Get the Most Out of the Program”

Module Two – “The Impact of Cancellations on Health Businesses and Their Teams – What We Did Not Learn at University”

Module Three – “What You Can Measure You Can Manage - How to Correctly Track Cancellations, Show Rates and Drop-Offs in Allied Health”

Module Four – “The Real Reasons Patients Cancel Their Appointments in Allied Health”

Module Five – “Money Beliefs, Treatment Frequency and Cancellation Rates – How to Remove Your Financial Baggage and Get Better Outcomes”

Module Six – “The Words We Use – What to Say and How to Say It So Patients Attend all Sessions and Complete their Full Plan of Care”

Module Seven – “How to Prevent Cancellations in Allied Health Clinics – More Strategies”

Module Eight – “Effective Follow Up Post Cancel – How to Resuscitate a Program of Care”

Module Nine  – “Summary and  Recommendations – Pulling the Program Together”

The “Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System” also includes...

- A “Fill-In-The-Blanks” manual for you or your manager to complete as you make their way through the program.

- An Extensive List of Done-For-You Cancellation Reduction and Program Compliance Examples and Resources from Some of the World’s Leading Health Business Owners and Experts including:

  • Sample Treatment Action Plans to increase patient compliance
  • Cancellation Follow-Up Tracking Cheat Sheet – to ensure no patient self-discharges.
  • Cancellation Policy Scripts – so your team know exactly what to say when a patient cancels
  • Cancellation Policy Sign – to reduce cancellations
  • Practice Performance Dashboard – to track and record cancelations and results
  • Wellbeing Curve Diagram – to increase patient compliance adherence
  • Cancellation Reduction Interview Questions Cheat Sheet – so you recruit therapist who will have low cancellation rates.
  • Top 7 Reasons Patients Drop Out of Care – team training resource
  • Five Key Steps to Drive Patient Retention - team training resource
  • The Treatment Plan Enrolment Process – Baby Steps Plan – a step by step guide to getting your patients enrolled in your program of care.
  • Treatment Confirmation Call – Script  - exactly what to say to ensure all patients attend their next session.
  • Cancellation - No Show Call Script – what to say when a client does not attend a session.
  • Payment, Cancellation & No Show Policy  - the exact policy you share with all new and past clients to ensure cancellation program compliance.
  • Cancellation Reduction Framework – the full cancellation reduction system explained.
  • Recall Flow Chart – the steps to take when a client calls and cancels
  • Reducing Appointment Cancellations Guide – program overview


Click HERE to Order your "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System" for a one off payment of $AUS1,697 or approx $US1,052.
Click HERE to Order your "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System" using our "easy payment plan" of just $AUS597 or approx $US370 now, then in 30 days time a payment of $AUS600 or approx $US372 and in 60 days your final payment of $AUS600 or approx $US372
Total ONLY $AUS1,797 or approx $US1,114.
Click above for your Preferred Order Option NOW!!

And to Guarantee You Receive Every Secret to Cancellation Reduction and Program Compliance, We’re Including...

BONUS Recordings from the 20 PLUS World Leading Health Business Owners, Cancellation Reduction Experts and Program Compliance Gurus

NOTE - These bonus sessions were recorded specifically for the "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System Program" and ARE NOT included in any of Paul's other programs or summits.

The Bonus Sessions Include:

Dr Doug Cary - “How to Reduce Cancellations in Regional Practices”

Doug Cary

In this session Doug will share:

  • The key differences between city and regional clinics when it comes to rebooking rates and cancellation rates.
  • How Doug’s follow up system led to the identification of serious medical issues and how you must understand your role in identifying major health issues.
  • The time management hack Doug teaches his therapists that helps them stay on time and deliver great client outcomes in every session.
  • How to reverse engineer the cancellation reduction system in your practice to reduce your cancellation rates.

Celia Champion – “How Mental Money Baggage Increases Cancellations and What to Do About It”

Celia Champion

In this session Celia will share:

  • How one clinic had a 30% cancellation rate and the simple strategy this practice implemented that got it under 10%
  • How to use a “Wellbeing Curve” to increase patient compliance and reduce cancellations in your health practice – complete your care – and how to put this into your health business simply and easily.
  • The simple “Money Mindset Shift” you can use to instantly stop worrying about your patients finances when booking treatment plans.
  • One easy question you should ask all patients on your waiting list which can increase profits and improve client outcomes.

Judy Cirullo – “How to Use Job Scorecards and Recruitment Secrets to Reduce Cancellations”

Judy Cirullo

In this session Judy will share:

  • Exactly what questions you must ask in your interviews which can predict the cancellation rate of a therapist before they even start in your clinic.
  • Why job descriptions are a waste of time and what you should have instead if you want to have a high performing team with low cancellation rates.
  • How to retain a great therapist with low cancellation rates so they continue to be a happy and productive team member for many years to come.
  • How to set up a cancellation reduction system in your business that starts the day you interview the potential new therapist

Nicole Cozean – “How to Niche Your Practice and Why No-One Gets Divorced Over a Sprained Ankle”

Nicole Cozean

In this session Nicole will share:

  • Nicole’s “Nails on a chalkboard” metric that shows her instantly if a therapist is not developing rapport with the client and having high patient self-discharge rates.
  • The single staff training exercise that will make up the bulk of your team training program for the next decade.
  • What Nicole learned from a 17 year old skateboarder that led her into the pelvic health specialty and how you can use this information to niche your clinic.
  • How Nicole structures her clinic and payment model so the admin team have plenty of time to answer the phones and make real connections with all clients.

Dr Stephen Franson – “Cancellation Reduction and Compliance Secrets from The Systems Guy”

Dr Stephen Franson

In this session Stephen will share:

  • How to use the “Rule of 72” to increase show rates and skyrocket patient compliance.
  • The simple patient booking script Stephen uses on all new patients which instantly removes price issues for therapist and patients - why were we not taught this at University?
  • The mindset shift, Stephen learned from one if his mentors, which will instantly make you feel comfortable and confident when contacting dropped off or cancelled patients.
  • How to create and use a simple 3 step video thread to dramatically increase show rates and program compliance.

Paul Gough – “Cancellation Reduction Masterclass – from Initial Booking to Maintenance Program”

Paul Gough

In this session Paul will share:

  • The 2 things all owners MUST understand when dealing with the post covid cancellation culture and how to regain control of your clients and staff.
  • The single question you must ask all patients in their initial consult which makes the patient obliged to become a client for life.
  • The little piece of magic Paul learnt from his marketing mentor that can totally transform your business and your improve patient outcomes.
  • How to generate unwavering client loyalty before the patient even arrives for their initial consultation.
  • How to use the “Soap Opera” system to stop patients from cancelling future appointments.

Dr Jay Greenstein – “5 Key Steps to Drive Care Plan Adherence and Reduce Cancellations”

Dr Jay Greenstein

In this session Jay will share:

  • The 3 “Bare Arsed Stats” you simply must know in order to own and operate a successful health business.
  • The single sheet of paper Jay uses in his clinics which dramatically increases client compliance and rebooking rates.
  • The simple and free software system you can use to track and follow up all cancelled and DNA appointments – which can make and save you thousands.
  • How Jay increased patient adherence by 36% and increased consult number by over 70% using one technology innovation.

Ted Jedynak - “How to Reduce Cancellations by Using Treatment Packages”


In this session Ted will share:

  • How to turn a “treatment basket case” who has been to everyone, into a raving fan who never cancels and refers lots of other clients to you practice.
  • The mega successful 3 word headline Ted used for decades to market his packages and programs.
  • Why patients only want 3 questions answered – and if you do this you will dramatically reduce your cancellation rate and program compliance.
  • How to structure your appointment diary so if a client cancels a session there is no impact on the revenue or therapists diary.

Steve Jensen - “How to Reduce Cancellations by Positioning Yourself as the Expert”

Steve Jensen

In this session Steve will share:

  • How to use the INKING process to increase the value of your service and reduce cancellations.
  • The 4 selling triggers used by consumers when making purchasing decisions and how putting them in the right sequence can halve your cancellation rates.
  • How to create a unique selling proposition in your practice even if you think you offer the same service as your competitors.
  • The 8 words you simply must say in a cancellation follow up call which will make the client desperate to call you back – never be forced to play telephone tag again.

Rick Lau and Sanjeev Bhatia - “How to Use Phone Software and Virtual Admin Teams to Increase Show Rates and Reduce Cancellations”

Rick Lau Sanjeev Bhatia

In this session Rick and Sanjeev will share:

  • How to use the “Seasonality Principle” to determine when and why clients cancel and how to prevent them from doing so.
  • How to massively increase your profit margin with one simple change to your front desk roster and use of tech.
  • Why you should never refer to your admin team as “Admin Team” and what to call them instead which instantly improves their performance.
  • How to use the “Winback System” to book missed opportunities for revenue.

Aaron LeBauer - “How to Have a Firm and Fair Cancellation Policy that is Enforced – Even at $250 a Visit”

Aaron LeBauer

In this session Aaron will share:

  • How to know if your cancellation policy is getting through to the clients in your business and how this can drop cancellation rates dramatically.
  • How to resuscitate a consult when the patient calls and is running late for their appointment and wanting to cancel.
  • How to structure a credit card direct debit system to dramatically reduce the cost and risk of cancellations.
  • How one client abused Aaron (forcing him to install security cameras) over his cancellation policy but then became one of Aarons best clients.

Nicola McLennan - “How to Use Google to Attract Clients Who Never Cancel”

Nicola McLennan

In this session Nicola will share:

  • How to use your FREE Google Business Listing to increase show rates to your clinic.
  • The best way to get Google reviews and why having the highest number of google reviews does not guarantee a higher listing.
  • How to set up and structure your Google ads to attract your ideal client who never cancels – and the biggest mistake owners make when advertising on Google.
  • Why some health businesses owners are risking having their Google and Facebook accounts cancelled due to a little known privacy issue.

Lorcan O’Donaile - “How to Use the More Practice Profits System to Reduce Cancellations”


In this session Lorcan will share:

  • How Lorcan increased a new graduates booking rate by over 40% by changing the words the therapist used in their sessions.
  • Exactly what to say when a client asks about the price of your program and how getting this right will dramatically decrease your cancellation rate.
  • The simple payment system Lorcan’s practice manager made him put into his clinic, which he did not want to do, but has dropped no show rates massively.
  • How Lorcan packages his treatment programs so cancellations become a non-event.

Dr Jon Powderly - “How to Make Cancellations a Non-Event in Health Care”

Dr Jon Powderly

In this session Jon will share:

  • How to structure your appoint diary and re-booking system to dramatically reduce your cancellation rates and no shows
  • Why the philosophy of Chiropractic reduces the impact of cancellation and how you can use this in your practice.
  • Why NO treatment should be delivered in the initial consult and how this can reduce cancellation rates and increase patient compliance.
  • Prepay and package systems that comply with all health funds and third party payers and how to put this system into your health business.

Practiceology™ Mentor Team - “Cancellation Reduction Secrets”

Aaron Hardaker Narelle Montgomery Alex Gazis-Morris

In this session Aaron Hardaker, Narelle Montgomery and Alex Gazis-Morris will share:

  • How to make patients totally accepting of seeing any available therapist and NOT become over-reliant on one team member.
  • The facts about cancellation fees and third party payers such as NDIS – and how to correctly and legally charge cancellations fees for these patients.
  • Effective treatment packages and how to structure your re-booking system to reduce cancellation and increase program compliance.
  • Exact KPI’s and stats you must track and measure to ensure your team are completing their cancellation follow up systems.

Dr Kieran Richardson - “How to Improve Communication and Reduce Cancellations Using Treatment Planning”

Dr Kieran Richardson

In this session Kieran will share:

  • The habits therapists form early in their careers that invite cancellations from patients.
  • The 3 key components of a great treatment plan and why getting this right sets you up for success, referrals and a great client outcome.
  • Why “Underservicing” has a much higher cancellation risk than “Over-Servicing” – especially by the medical profession.
  • How Kieran used a treatment plan to pass his specialist exams – watched by research professors – and why they said “that was awesome”.
  • How one of the world’s leading Migraine clinics uses treatment planning to generate patient loyalty and compliance.

Rafi Salazar - “7 Steps to Increase New Patient Show Rates and Reduce Cancellations”

Rafi Salazar

In this session Rafi will share:

  • The 4 words you admin team MUST use for all new patient enquiries – that will make you thousands and help more people – and dramatically increase show rates.
  • Why using a “Top Down” approach is the biggest mistake you can make when booking in a new patient to your practice and what to do instead to increase rapport and show rates.
  • The first question your admin team must ask when a potential client calls the clinic – which when done well – instantly makes you the expert they never want to cancel.
  • The question you must put at the bottom of your new patient intake form, which guarantees the patient gets exactly what they want from every session and book all appointments in advance.

Mellisa Salmond - “How to Reduce New Graduate Therapists Cancellation Rates by Using the Patient Flow System”

Mellisa Salmond

In this session Mellissa will share:

  • Why health professionals are more at risk of high cancellation rates than many other service professions.
  • How one slight change to an appointment reminder text message dramatically reduced cancellation rates and increased profits.
  • The innovative patient visit average report ,unlike any we have ever seen, which tells Mel exactly how each therapist in her practice is performing.
  • Why patients lose over 60% of the information you share in a consult and how knowing this can help your therapists create more effective rebooking plans.

Nick Schuster - “The Impact of Cancellations on Health Business Owners, Therapists and Admin and What to Do About It”

Nick Schuster

In this session Nick will share:

  • The unique way Nick tracks the cancellation rates in his and his clients practice and how this motivates the team to reduce cancellations.
  • The best single strategy you can do to drive your team to reduce cancellation rates.
  • The big breakthrough Nick had which dramatically increase his teams compliance in delivering treatment plans.
  • A “Behind the Scenes” look into the impact of cancellation rates on practice profitability over and after the pandemic – these results will shock you.

Jade Scott - “How to Incentivize Your Admin Team to Reduce Cancellations”

Jade Scott

In this session Jade will share:

  • The secret stats and measurements Jade uses to manage and lead her team effectively through and coming out of Covid.
  • Why there are only 3 key statistics you need in your health business that let you keep control of your team and your business results.
  • The simple statement one of Jades therapists said in her sessions that led to a 35% cancellation rate – and how Jade fixed this in 10 mins.
  • The 7 key motivators you must understand to effectively manage and reward your current team members.
  • The single most important activity any owner can do to increase patient compliance and reduce cancellations.

Yianni Serpanos - “How Understanding Cancellation Behavior and Digital Health Can Optimize Clinical Engagement”

Yianni Serpanos

In this session Yianni will share:

  • How to use “Digital First Thinking” to create incredible client experiences and reduce cancellations.
  • Why allied health clinics use a tactical approach to tech and how this sets them up for digital failure – and the approach you should be using to take your practice to the next level.
  • The gold standard step by step process from booking to discharge which ensures all clients get a high quality experience and attend all sessions.
  • The innovative booking strategy with guarantees a new patient arrives for the initial session.
  • The big mistake owners make when choosing a software system for their clinics and the mindset that can set them up for tech failure.

Darryl Yardley - “Cancellation Reduction Essentials from a Clinician Standpoint”

Darryl Yardley

In this session Darryl will share:

  • Why your staff payment model can cause high cancellation rates and what you need to do to control cancellation rates in your practice.
  • How to use the “ set the bomb” technique to keep your follow up calls on schedule and to increase conversion.
  • Why most home exercise programs increase cancellation rates and what to do about it.
  • The real reason why therapists don’t make follow up call and how understanding this can improve your clinical outcomes.
  • Why most health professionals “Play small” when it comes to patient care and why this leads to high cancellation rates.

Wrighty is a Goose Guarantee

For those new to Paul’s materials and programs, you always have the safety and security of the "Wrighty is a Goose Guarantee".

If the “Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System” doesn’t increase your profits, reduce your recruitment hassles, and improve the productivity of your therapy and admin team… then anytime in the first 90 days, simply email us for a full refund.

Just contact us at  we will cancel your access and refund your money straight away.

No Drama – No Risk

What Sort of Value Does the "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System" Represent for a Health Business Owner?

If Paul was to present this program live to you and your team at your clinic - his current fee for a one or two day training seminar is in the order of $10,000 - not including our travel costs (from Australia), accommodation and other expenses.
And that is for a One-Off seminar event - so not for your future team members.
PLUS - You will NEVER get the other expert speakers at the same live event.

Perhaps the Real Question is “What is the Potential Cost of Cancellations in Your Health Business?"

Let’s consider the following facts - brace yourself - it is scary reading.

# If your well trained therapy team could prevent just one cancellation per day in a 2-therapist clinic (by establishing better rapport, asking better questions or by stopping the use of their cancellation causing comments) - you could make an extra $35,000 a year in potential income.

# If a new admin team member, who you failed to train correctly when they started working for you, get a good client offside – asks them to pay a  cancellation fee - or fails to develop rapport effectively - which leads to just one client a week choosing not to use your clinic - you could lose over $100,000 a year in potential income.

# If your therapists or admin team fail to correctly follow up just 4 cancelled clients to your business each week (due to some deep seeded concern about the price of your consultations or feeling salesy) - you could lose you over $120,000 a year in potential income.

# If your therapists fail to make a re-booking for just 2 current clients a day who were undecided or confused (due to the therapist saying silly things such as "give us a call if you need to cancel") - you could lose over $37,000 a year in potential income.

# If you waste 20 hours of your valuable time training your team– only to eventually find out they are not implementing any of the systems you taught them, or roll their eyes because they think you are only interested in making money – you could lose over $50,000 a year in potential revenue.                   

NOTE – Even if you are ONLY charging $100 per consultation – you only need to stop just over 10 single cancellations over the life of this program to be in front – not including all the time, energy and stress you will save by having Paul and this elite group of experts do your cancellation reduction training for you.



Click HERE to Order your "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System" for a one off payment of $AUS1,697 or approx $US1,052.
Click HERE to Order your "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System" using our "easy payment plan" of just $AUS597 or approx $US370 now, then in 30 days time a payment of $AUS600 or approx $US372 and in 60 days your final payment of $AUS600 or approx $US372
Total ONLY $AUS1,797 or approx $US1,114.
Click above for your Preferred Order Option NOW!!

10 Reasons to Order the "Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System" NOW

  1. Save yourself thousands of dollars and countless hours by using Paul and the 20 PLUS experts to train your current and future team with cancellation reduction systems and scripts that have been tried and tested over the past 20 years - remember "successful people spend money to save time" and this program will save you years of work.
  2. Empower your team by letting The Cancellation Reduction System teach them about the importance of communication skills, rapport building and using the right words to ensure your clients get a great outcome every time - never again have all the re-booking and team training tasks in your business left to you and you alone.
  3. This unique program is specifically designed for health professionals by fellow health professionals and business owners who understand the struggles, problems, and stress that comes with health business ownership - use Paul, and the 20 Plus experts' systems, scripts and knowledge to stop the Cancellation Epidemic NOW!!
  4. You can benefit from the presenters 400 PLUS years of combined business experience and save yourself the pain and frustration that they went through to finally get to their stage of business success - would you like to reduce cancellation rates and improve client outcomes - to do this YOU MUST have a comprehensive cancellation reduction and past client re-activation system for your team.
  5. Share in Paul and the Experts knowledge gained from investing millions of dollars of their own money in seminars, courses and training programs - don't waste years of your life learning this the hard way- take the fast track and use their system and knowledge.
  6. The Ultimate Cancellation Reduction System (like all of Paul's business building materials) includes a 90 day 100% money back guarantee - if you get the program and don't think it is for you - (highly unlikely) then simply email us and we will cancel your program access and give a full refund - no risk to you.
  7. All new team members want education and training - you can use the fact you have this training program available to all new team members to encourage new applicants to work at your practice instead of your competition.
  8. Using this team training system will enable you to FREE yourself from your business - just like Paul did - to enjoy the freedom that all business owners should be enjoying.
  9. Benefit from the time saving scripts, templates, and bonus training sessions to improve other areas of your business and expand into new markets.
  10. Take advantage of the optional easy payment plan - of 3 low monthly payments - allowing you to put these systems in place and increase your income BEFORE paying for the rest of the program.

What other Professionals said about Paul Wright's programs:

“Before I started working with Paul, I was a hard-working mother doing over 60 hours a week working in my health business – however after working with Paul I now only do 10 hours a week with patients, and I have got my life back.

Jemma Mulligan - En Pointe Health

“Paul’s programs have completely transformed my business and my life. I went from 60 plus hours a week and no money in the bank, to less than 5 consulting hours a week. Our profits are up over 400% - life is now so much better for my family and I.

Lorcan O’Donaile – Achilles Foot Clinic

A Tremendous Value Add to My Practice!

“My accountant actually rang me last week and asked what I had been doing in the business because the profits had increased so much.”

Alex Gazis-Morris Health Business Owner – Physiotherapy / Fitness / Pilates

My Business Went to a New Level

“I had taken my health business as far as I could on my own – but Paul helped me take the business to a whole new level.”

Justin Blake Health Business Owner – Podiatry - UK

Exact scripts!

“The fact we have been given the exact scripts and they there to be implemented instantly makes this an invaluable program.”

Andrew Rivet - Health Business Owner

What Attendees of Past Live Events said:

"Spectacular - I Loved It - Within the First Hour I Learnt Enough to Make Me an Extra $20,000 Lise Danecker, Physiotherapist.

Why didn't I find this guy 15 years ago - I now know how to put everything into my practice to make my health business hum, quit working quite so hard in my business so I can work more on my business and start to realize the profits” Dr Cherye Roche - Chiropractor - New Zealand

“Three years ago I came across one of Paul’s videos and I have since gone from a single practitioner business to having a thriving business with eleven professionals. So come to his course - listen and learn - you will never regret it.” Albert Nakla - Owner of Pro-Fit Physio and Allied Health Centre

"Realize what you suspected about your business & get the strategies to rectify it. As much as I hate to admit it Wrighty knowsBarry, Physiotherapist

"Clear, concise and simple. It all makes perfect sense – so why am I not doing this??" Travis, Physiotherapist

"Very good content, especially regarding front desk skillsPeter, Health Professional

"Good breakdown of simple steps to re-charge practice procedures tomorrowAmanda, Massage Therapist

"I come away with a fresh approach to increasing my profits for my businessSharon, Personal Trainer

"Found it a confident & insightful seminar. Good combination of business methods, practical advice in an easy to understand formatPaula, Osteopath

"Excellent delivery. Valuable information gained. Very impressedDave, Massage Therapist

"This session brings together & packages everything we think we already know and everything we think we were doing but really are not! A good kick in the bum!Grant, Sports Therapist

"Great Food for thought! Really practical stuff! Well worth itTony, Podiatrist

"This should be a part of the University Physio/Health Professional courseIan, Physiotherapist



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